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A picture representing my newfound freedom with becoming an adult. It was difficult to capture because I had to wait for the flock of geese to fly and then I had to take it quick.
This is an image of a fake tooth. It's supposed to show depth of field within an image.

This image was to show texture within a photo. It's an image of a dead hibiscus plant. It looks like you could reach in and squish it and feel the crunch.
Fish Freeze
This is an image demonstrating freeze motion. It required a lot of light and a high shutter speed. It was incredibly difficult to get a descent photo because fish move a lot.

This is an image I took for a spring contest in my photography class. I took this image to show the dead part of the Hibiscus plant and the new, actively growing part. This image shows how even after everything has sort of died in the winter, it will always come back stronger in the spring.
This is an image I took for a spring contest in my photography class. This image was surprisingly challenging because this is in my neighborhood where houses could be seen if the camera was level instead of facing the ground. I took a picture of this branch specifically because I liked how the branch wasn't straight and the way the blossoms were distributed.

This is an image I took for a spring contest in my photography class. I tried to find the most opened up tulip I could find so that I could photograph it from the top. I find this image interesting because I never see very many images like this one.
I took this image under the prompt of finding an image to demonstrate a movie title. The one I chose was the movie Jaws. The image itself is the PopSocket on the back of my phone. It looks a bit plane, but I like the vibes it sends.

Social Distancing
This image was a fun one for me to take. It involved a lot of commands, treats, and sunlight. You'd be surprised how hard it is to get two dogs to stay any amount of distance apart, let alone when one is a puppy.
Coffee & Reading
I took this image for an assignment that was could be put in a coffee shop. I figured a lot of people enjoy reading while having a cup of coffee, so I took an image of one of my favorite books and mugs on a dining room table. After that, I went in to photoshop and made it black and white so that it had a bit more of a vintage feel to it.

I took this image for an assignment that was could be put in a coffee shop. This image was fun for me. I loved the concept of spilling the grounds, sugar, and creamer. It took me quite some planning to figure out how to layout this image, especially with the creamer. I really did not want the creamer to mix with the powders.
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I took this image for an assignment that was could be put in a coffee shop. This image was fun because I got to be a bit messy. As with the image similar to this one, this image took some time to figure out how to layout. I really didn't want the image to look messy or unplanned.

This image was one of the first photos I took after the snow had melted. I chose this one because I liked how the vine and leaf was wrapped around the fence. To me, it represents how a person can grow, regardless of what they go through.
This was another tricky image to take. My puppy is a very spastic one, so he moves a lot. Somehow, I manged to strike a one in a million image.

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